Outpatient appointments

Outpatient appointments are an important part of your cancer care. They may be conducted face-to-face, over the telephone, or as a video appointment. You will be sent a copy of your clinic letter after your appointment. If you do not understand something you are told in your appointment, please ask for it to be explained again.

Below you will find more information about the different types of appointments. 


Face-to-face appointments

You will be notified of the date, time and location of your appointment. If possible, please bring someone with you as a second pair of ears is always helpful.


Telephone appointments

You will be notified of the date and time of your appointment and your clinician will telephone you for your appointment. Please allow the morning or afternoon for your telephone appointment in case your clinician is running late. Please ensure you have a quiet space to speak. 


Video appointments

Video appointments are conducted using secure video platform Attend Anywhere. Rather than travelling to your appointment, you enter the clinic's online waiting area. Please ensure you have a quiet space to speak. You can find out more on our video appointments page.


There is more information on our main outpatients page