Get involved

There are lots of ways that you can contribute to the Trust's ongoing success.

Click through to any of the tabs below to learn more about the different involvement opportunities:

Give us your feedback

Your feedback is extremely valuable to us, and helps us to improve our services.

>> Give us your feedback

Become a volunteer

There are lots of opportunities for volunteers to make a difference, from general admin support to helping out on a ward.

>> Become a Trust volunteer

Donate to the Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Charity

All the donations we receive go towards improving the experience of patients and staff.

>> Find out more and donate

Join our Patient Participation Forum (PPF)

You can be part of this voluntary group which champions the voice of the patient in the quality of care and contribute to all sorts of initiatives.

>> Learn about the PPF here

Cancer services

Cancer Services at LGT are very keen to ensure patients voices are heard and to improve services where identified.

We have a colleague working with MacMillan Cancer Support on better understanding the needs of the population served by LGT who are living with cancer – everyone, but especially people from seldom heard groups and those from ethnic minority backgrounds.

A questionnaire has been developed and a variety activities are planned to try and capture people's thoughts on their cancer care, to then guide potential solutions and options that the Trust can explore to improve access to cancer information and support locally.

If you want to be involved or receive further details please contact:


T: 07557 862 867

Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement (QI) uses different tools to help staff and patients work together to understand and solve problems. It involves ways of finding and trying out different ideas, and then measuring to see if the changes have made an improvement.

As a Trust, we encourage all QI projects to invite a Patient Voice Partner onto their project team.

If you’d like to learn more about QI before getting stuck in to a project, please visit our dedicated Improvement Hub, which has a wealth of information about QI and all the ways we make improvements at LGT.

You can also email for more information, including on how you can receive QI training yourself if you plan on getting involved.

Getting involved: time commitments

You might be wondering how much time you would need to contribute for each way of getting involved. The below table provides an at-a-glance indication of this:

A list of ways patients can get involved, including the time commitment for each. You can call 020 8333 3000 and enter the extension 48129 when prompted to discuss this with our Patient Experience team