We’re celebrating Roald Dahl Story Day | News

We’re celebrating Roald Dahl Story Day

Bethan and Stacey seperate

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity funds the roles of 78 specialist nurses in the UK.

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity funds the roles of 78 specialist nurses in the UK. They care for over 21,000 seriously ill children and support adolescents who are making the transition from children’s to adult services, which can be a particularly stressful time for patients and their families.

Each year they raise awareness, and fundraise, with a week of celebrations around Roald Dahl Story Day the annual celebration of his characters and stories which takes place right around the world. This year it takes place on Sunday 13 September.

Our Trust is lucky to have two posts funded by the charity. Stacey Ratcliff is an Epilepsy Clinical Nurse Specialist and Bethan Williams is a Transition Coordinator.

Stacey works closely with a huge range of colleagues from across the Trust and also liaises directly with community nursing teams, GPs, local nurseries and schools. She said: "Every patient is different and a long term condition like epilepsy presents its own unique challenges and worries. I act as a point of contact for those under my care, so that children, young people and their families don’t feel lost. It's really important that also have access the support they need, when they need it.”

Bethan identifies young people with chronic health conditions who will soon be making the transition from children's and adult services. She often works with different teams to provide a patient with an individually tailored pathway, giving them the information and the reassurances they need about what lays ahead and the range of support they can access. She said:  "it’s a privilege being able to improve the pathway for young people with chronic conditions. We all want the best for our young people and the Roald Dahl Fund is a fantastic family to be a part of."  

Follow us on twitter: @LG_NHS and instagram: @lg_nhs this week (13 - 19 September) as Bethan and Stacey takeover our Trust accounts to tell us more about their roles, the workshops teaching values like: bravery, empathy, resilience and kindness, and the fun activities they have planned including dressing up for Roald Dahl story day.

If you would like to take part and raise money to help @RoaldDahlFund provide more nurses to help seriously ill children you can download the special fundraising pack: www.roalddahl.com/fundraising

Bethan and Stacey seperate


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