Every mind matters: get support and advice | News

Every mind matters: get support and advice

every mind matters

Every Mind Matters: get support and advice

You can get personalised plan with simple ideas to improve your mental health and wellbeing through a new NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/. The website has an assessment tool which just takes a few minutes to complete. You will then receive a range of tips on things you can do yourself to improve your mental health, and relevant services are signposted where needed.

The website assessment tool has been launched as part of a national campaign called “every mind matters”. Angela Helleur, Chief Nurse for Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust, commented: “We are pleased to help support this campaign, which is a great way of encouraging people to look after their own mental health, as well as supporting others to do so. It’s important that mental health is discussed and treated in the same way as physical health.”

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